Thursday 22 December 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, la la la la la la la

Last Sunday we cut down our Christmas tree.  
We loaded the boys and Archie the Dog in the truck and drove up a logging truck road to Crown Land where, with permit in hand, we trudged through the woods looking for the perfect Christmas tree.  
This year the snow was not too deep so we ventured a bit further out.  Some years when the snow is thigh-deep we are very happy when we find one on the edge of the forest.  
Every tree looks too small until we get it home and have to cut two and a half feet off the bottom and realize that a tree that is six feet wide is just too large for our little room.  
This year we said 'pick one that is 6" taller than dad and no more than a grandma-hug wide.'

With the tree cut down and dragged back to the truck, we make a small fire to roast hot dogs, have hot chocolate and some Christmas cookies.  We tobaggan down a small hill, gather "treasures" from the woods, tell stories and complain about the ratty looking tree we cut down.

This years tree is tall, narrow, almost void of branches and needles, smells nice and is full of new Christmas memories.

What a great day!

No matter which side of the fire one stands the flame and smoke always blow toward your face.

Son #2 chopping through the bulldozed brush looking for a perfect "fire-poking-stick".

We fed the Whiskey Jacks.

Son #1 making snow sculpture out of a block of snow/ice/dirt that fell off the wheel wells of a logging truck.  That bit of greenery laying on the ground behind him is our Christmas tree!

Archie the Dog loves running through the snow and digging for mice. He whined and paced the entire way up and slept the entire way down.

Son #2 still trying to get the perfect "fire-poking-stick".

Here is the tree.
Did I mention it was free?

Merry Christmas my Friends!
I hope your holidays are filled with love and happiness.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, what you didn't spend on the tree, you can spend on the oven! See? It all works out!

Pearl said...

That tree! I can smell the needles from here!!

Ahhh. You all look so cozy I just want to squeeze you.



Gary's third pottery blog said...

hey, a picture of YOU! My goodness, I love Archie dog. You could resolve for next year "more Archie pics for the blog!". Great day and great pics :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I ADORE your is magnificent. And the memories of this day are priceless.
Smiles from me seeing Archie and someone feeding the bird!!! Nice!
Merry Christmas!

Millie said...

Lovely story & lovely images Joy! We couldn't be further from your snowy Christmas, we'll have temps in the high 90F's tomorrow, so it will be a fab Aussie Chrissie with everyone in shorts & flip flops jostling for the chair nearest to the air conditioner! Thank you for being part of The Hedge this year, hope to see you in 2012 to do it all again.
Millie xx

OneCraftyFox said...

Absolutely LOVE this!! Perfect holiday outing. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your new year is off to an amazing start.

Sending warm wishes and a big hug your way. Diana :)